Make time to look at them together. Magnifying boxes and butterfly nets in hand, our little budding gardeners will discover the essential role insects play when they examine the creatures they have managed to capture. The busy lives of insects, whether solitary or living in large colonies, will constantly surprise you; their world is amazing and mysterious!
Handling them is also the best way to combat prejudice. The aim of this tour is to help children and their parents towards a better understanding of these tiny creatures so as to achieve a gradual change in attitudes… and perhaps even eventually persuade them to coexist happily with each other!
This tour is aimed at families with children aged 6 – 12.
Nets, magnifying boxes and a little explanatory booklet are provided.
Good to know
- Children under 6 years of age are not allowed on the beach by themselves.
- A responsible adult must be present at all times.
- The activity can be cancelled when high winds and storms are forecast.
Advance booking required